Cannabis-derived terpenes antimicrobial potency – a potential alternative against the antimicrobial resistance in Veterinary treatments

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to both human and animal health, demanding innovative solutions to combat infectious diseases effectively. In the realm of veterinary medicine, where antimicrobial agents are routinely employed, the emergence of resistant pathogens has amplified the need for alternative therapeutic options. Cannabis-derived terpenes, known for their diverse biological activities, are […]

CBD for Canine Epilepsy – What are the Takeaways from the Epidiolex Experience?

Results from the use of animals during clinical trials to identify an epilepsy treatment for them  Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder seen in dogs; scientific literature reports that it has been estimated to affect approximately 0.75% of the canine population. The term epilepsy refers to a heterogeneous disease characterized by the presence of […]

Cannabis-derived products for chronic pain treatment for cats and dogs

The actual use of Cannabis in pain treatment for dogs and cats and future prospective The use of cannabinoids in veterinary medicine is controversial for ethical and legal reasons. The approval of drugs from the competent authorities, and their use, are complicated by the application of laws and professional regulations of each country. Hemp-derived compounds […]

Italian Phytovigilance adverse reactions database’s evaluation

Cannabis as therapeutic option for multiple clinical condition, is generally well tolerated? Medical Cannabis consumption is significantly increasing worldwide, but most people still wonder if its use can be considered actually safe. To answer this question, we have analyzed the data related to safety issues reported in Italy, in the Phytovigilance database, due to the […]